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Team Members

Dr. Raphael Max

Dr. Raphael Max

Co-Founder | Ökonom

Raphael ist unser Ökonom und ist federführend für Verhaltensökonomik, Spieltheorie und empirische Methoden verantwortlich.

Raphael is our economist and is responsible for behavioral economics, game theory and empirical methods.

Auxane Boch

Auxane Boch

Researcher | Cyberpsychologist

Auxane ist als Psychologin vor allem für die sozialen Aspekte neuer Technologien verantwortlich.

As a psychologist, Auxane is primarily responsible for the social aspects as they relate to new technologies.

Dr. Alexander Kriebitz

Dr. Alexander Kriebitz

Co-Founder | Politologe

Alex ist unser Experte für Menschenrechte und Digitalethik. Er ist für alle Prozesse zu normativen Fragestellungen verantwortlich.

Alex is our human rights and digital ethics expert. He is responsible for all processes related to normative issues.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu

Consultant | Betriebswirtin

Lucy Liu ist unsere Beraterin für den chinesischen Markt. Sie spricht muttersprachlich Mandarin und hat uns bei diversen Projekten mit chinesischen Kunden begleitet.

Lucy Liu is our consultant for the Chinese market. She is native in Mandarin Chinese and has accompanied us in diverse projects with Chinese customers.

In addition to our team, we are happy to advertise the fantastic work of our proof reader for all documents in English, Sophie Elizabeth Smith. You can reach her here.

Our goal is to take all the photos and icons on our website ourselves. As a team, we never work better than together on our whiteboards. This is exactly how we wanted to design our homepage: Our whiteboard for the internet! :)

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